In this tier you and Dreamer sit down for weekly chats by Zoom for a bit. Anything you’d like to discuss is on the table. Dreamer says, “I would really enjoy getting to meet you and I look forward to us getting together each month to hang out”. You would also be invited to the monthly 1st Saturday Zoom open topic with Dreamer and all the Zooms available to this community. This is the perfect level to enjoy some one on one time, ask questions and not have to worry about finding space or time to hunt dreamer down on social media. This is an especially great way to introduce any business ideas or a way to invite Dreamer to see what you are making or doing or creating.

You will enjoy topics and posts by our volunteers and Dreamer sharing information, research and behind the scenes pictures and video. You will receive advanced inviations to Dreamer’s offerings and be invited to talks by industry guests.